Arman Sarkisyan(right) and his main engineer inspecting one of the artificial reefs ready to be sunk. 18.12.2015, Kranevo, Bulgaria
Kurs. The word "kurs" is a word root which represents the current in all Eastern-European languages. The current is something which connects the countries through the Black Sea- a link not only between distant lands but between six different cultures. At the same time in its figurative meaning kurs means the way, it is the way we perceive the Black Sea, the way act to protect the uniqueness and the character of the Black Sea.
The Black Sea is the biggest closed water basin in Eastern Europe, isolated from the World Ocean and for this reason its ecosystem and general well being is very vulnerable to the harmful impact caused mainly by the human activity. Violated by the industry, the profit-making companies or just by the lack of adequate regulations by the states, the Black sea suffers from issues with different scale and importance.
The project was funded by Royal Photographic Society and The Photographic Angle's environmental bursary.